your old life, back.
All I want for Christmas is…my life back.
REligion & Politics
United, Sort of…
What really unites people? It’s not politics, it’s not religion, it’s not values. In this message we’ll explore two major ways that can unite just about anyone.
The Declaration of Dependence
The intentions were good. On paper it was something everyone could agree on. But we’re not just interested in what’s printed or what’s said, but what get’s done - and more importantly, who we become.
One nation Under
When you love your country as it is or what it has the potential to be you may be a Patriot, or a Nationalist. But what if there is a third option? One that embodies the best of both and the worst of neither?
& politics
What comes first when we make decisions? It’s not religion and it’s not politics. It’s something better, something that will never disappoint, never be against us and always be for us. And it’s not a something at all.